Listen to the Show




Wednesday, March 11th 2009
pledge-shortened fill in for Late Risers Club
Artist Musical Selection Album
Rooftop Vigilantes Zach Want Glove Carrot Atlas (2009 Modern Man)
Akimbo Bruder Vansant Jersey Shores (2008 Neurot)
Mind of Asain Nenonai Yoruo The Girls Can Dish it Out Too(Emarcypunx)
Behead the Prophet N.L.S.L Sacrifice on the Altar of Convenience I Am that Great and Fiery Force (K)
MLU track 2 2009 tour ep (self)
The Locust Kill roger Hedgecock The Locust 3" cd (2004 Gold Standard)
HHH Pedazo De Mierda Sin Identidad/Discografia Completa 85-93 (1985/2009)
Nobunny Boneyard Love Visions (2008 1234Go!)
Pharaoh Overlord (Finland) Love Unflitered #2 (2003 No Quarter)
Draize Spiderbites Long Knives cassette (no label)
The Nixe Have A Nice Day The Nixe (2008 Polly Maggoo Records)
Cola Freaks Dodt Batteri Dodt Batteri (2008 Local Cross)
Los Peyotes Fuego/td> ¡Cavernicola! (2008 No Fun)
The Swing West Fire GS Cult Box 1-Garage (1999 CDSOL)
Sunglasses After Dark Sexy Japan Sunglasses After Dark (2009 Ufo HiFi)
Spectres Complications visions of a New World (2007 Darkness)
Ashtones A She-Devil is My Dope Fiend A She-Devil is My Dope Fiend (2006 Ashrrr)



This color means that it's bed music (background)