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Wednesday, June 6th 2007
Cambodian and Japanese, mostly
Artist Musical Selection Album
Theme: Messer Chups  The World we Never Knew Bride of the Atom (Solzne)
Archaia (France) Soleil Noir Archaia (1977)
Slavic Soul Party (U.S.) Teknockek Collision Teknochek Collision (2007 Barbes)
Ali Hassan Kuban (Egypt/Nubian) Sukkar, Sukkar, Sukkar From Nubia to Cairo (1980 Shanachi)
Zuhara Swaleh (Zanzibar) Ya Zamani Zanzibara 2: 1965-75: The Golden Years of Mombara Taarab Music (2006 Buda)
Mike Mathura (West Indies) Birha Caribbean Voyage: East Indian Music in the West Indies (1999 Rounder)
Babu Band (India) I'm A Disco Dancer Disco Bhangra, Wedding Bands from Rajasthan (1994 Disk Union)
Motion Trio (Poland) Cafe Paris Pictures from the Streets (2005 Asphalt Tango)
Bernard Szajner (France) Adab/Gom Jabbar/Ibad ZED: Visions of Dune (1979 Spalax)
Guruh Gypsy (Indonesia) Geger Gelgel Guruh Gypsy (1977/2007 Shadoks)
Mustafa Ozkent (Turkey) Burcak Genclik Ile Elele (2006 Finders Keepers)
Sin Sisamouth (Cambodia) The Biting Game Cambodian Rocks vol. 4 (Khmer Rocks)
Meas Samoun (Cambodia) No Short Lesson Learned Cambodian Rocks vol. 4 (Khmer Rocks)
Thra Ka Band (Cambodia) Crazy Loving You Cambodian Rocks vol. 3 (Khmer Rocks)
Son Thoeung (Cambodia) unknown Cambodian Cassette Archive vol. 1 (2004 Sublime Frequencies)
Sin Sisamouth (Cambodia) Eyes Like Diamonds Cambodian Rocks vol. 1 (Parallel Worlds)
unknown (Cambodia) track 14 Cambodian Rocks vol. 1 (Parallel Worlds)
Sound of Silverstones (China) Tabu Teen Dance Music from China and Malaysia (2002 Thrift Store Records)
Pdey Muiy Jivit (Cambodia) Jet Oun Sapp THingay Pdey Muiy Jivit
Akemi Misawa (Japan) Anata Ga Hoshi No Shima No Blues (2006 JCV Victor)
Takashi Yamada & The Latin Victor Orch. (Japan) Gondola Song Old Memory Songs Latin Guitar Album (1965 Victor)
The Tokyo Allstar Orchestra (Japan) Tokyo Da Yo Okasan Favorite Japanese Instrumentals (2002 Cord)
Tsuruta Kouji (Japan) Aka To Kuro no Blues Aka to Kuro no Blues... and More (2006 VICL)
Eto Kunieda (Japan) Casbah no Onna  
Paul Mark (Hawaii/Japan) To Ryan Se East To West (Imperial)
M.K. Moke (Hawaii) Hilo March Legends of the Hawaiian Steel Guitar (2006 CORD)



This color means that it's bed music (background)