Listen to the Show on WMBR




Wednesday, April 16th 2008
guitars music, two saxophone-lead bands, Japanese 80's psyche and more Asian pop
Artist Musical Selection Album
opening remarks by a gentleman from Norfolk English with a Dialect (1971 BBC)
Theme: Messer Chups The World We Never Knew Bride of the Atom (Solzne)
Bill Ali'iloa Lincoln (Hawaii) Kawaihae Hawaii's Falsetto Poet (2006 Cord International)
Makepesi Anderson (Africa?) Ngiyafisa Ukubona Ubaba African Guitar Entertainers 1940's-60's (Wayhi Records)
unknown (Ecuador or Peru) Por Los Caminos De Dios Cumbias de Ecuador & Peru
Sahilin & Siti Rohmah (Indonesia) Terang Bulan Music of Indonesia vol. 20-Indonesian Guitars (1999 Smithsonian Folkways)
Motion Trio (Poland) Cafe Paris Pictures from the Streets (2005 Asphalt Tango)
Van Shipley (India) Mahbooba Mehbooba (film: Sholay, 1976) Bollywood Steel Guitars (Sublime Frequencies)
Etran Finatawa (Niger) Alghalen Taxat Desert Crossroads (2008 World Music Network)
Morocco (Morocco) Ela Tho Waking up Scheherazade (2007 Grey Past)
Mustafa Ozkent (Turkey) Burcak Tarlalari Genclik Ile Elele (2006 Finders Keepers)
King Coya (Argentina) Petrona Martinez remix feat. PG13 and Axel K Zizek 2008 tour EP (2008 Zizek)
Boris Karlov (Bulgaria) Straight Dance Boris Karlov (Balkanton)
The Cold Storage Band (Southern Rhodesia) Skokiaan (practice only) Bulawayo Jazz from Southern Rhodesia (2006 SWP)
Nathamuni Brothers (India) Kriti Raga Mohanam (excerpt) Madras 1974 (Fire Museum)
Tacit Blessing (China) indecipherable Teen Dance Music From China and Malaysia (2002 Thrift Store)
The Rabbits (Japan) indecipherable flexi 7" (1981? Ingo)
Mizutama Shobodan (Japan) ワンダラー The Virgin Prayers Yes, Yes, Yes! (1981 Kinniku Biju)
indecipherable (Korea) indecipherable "Top Singer" (1972 Jigu)
Los Mirlos (Peru) Sonida Amazonica The Roots of Chicha (2007 Barbes)
unknown (Ghana) Atokwe Drums of Death (1998 Avant Japan)
Lynn (France) Tu Changeras d'avis (Bad to Me) La France et la Beatles vol. 1 (2006 Mam)
Aika Bingo (Japan/Hawaii) Hyo-Tan Boogie Club Nisei - Encore! (2001 Cord)
Saing Saing Maw (Burma) Lake Thay Mah Shoke Folk and Pop Sounds from Myanmar (Burma)-Guitars of the Golden Triangle (Sublime Frequencies)
Musicians of Kp. Gallu-Matolang, coordinated by Andreas Kadubu Galimara (Indonesia) Tabung (Funeral gongs from Anakalang) Music of Indonesia 16-Music from the Southeast (1998 Smithsonian Folkways)
Bi Kidude (Zanzibar) Khaifu (Khaifakolil) Zanzibara 4 - Bi Kidude (Buda Musique)
Asha Bhosle (India) Mujhe Maar Daalo Doob Doob a Rama (1999 Qdk Normal)
Derrick Harriott (Jamaica) You Really Got a Hold on Me The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae (1993 Jamaican Gold)
Horace Andy (Jamaica) Dub on My Mind Horace Andy's Dub Box (2002 Jamaican Recordings)



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