Listen to the Show on WMBR




Wednesday, February 6th 2008
Yugoslavian Mariachi (Meksikanski), Moroccan hip hop and more
Artist Musical Selection Album
Theme: Messer Chups The World We Never Knew Bride of the Atom (Solzne)
Besh O Drom (Hungary) Introduction Can't Make Me (2003 Asphalt Tango)
Los Teen Agers (Colombia) La Gaita Marciana Historia Musical de Los Teen Agers (Disco Fuentes)
Haramiler (Turkey) Camlica Yolunda Hava Narghile (2001 Bacchus)
Albin Brun's Nah Trio (Switzerland) A Sibnar Nah-Aufnahmen (2006 Albin Brun)
Los Mirlos (Peru) Ilanto en la Selva Los Mirlos del Peru
Motion Trio (Poland) Cafe Paris Pictures from the Streets (2005 Asphalt Tango)
Boro Petrovic (Yugoslavia) Ukuci Irene Melodija Tjednaa vol. 5 (1965)
Zdenka Vuckovic (Yugoslavia) Svce Koje Samo Tebe Voli Gadje Su ti Duni (1965 Yugoton)
Visjna Korbar (Yugoslavia) Izvan Naseg Svijeta single (1963 Yugoton)
Kvartet Paloma (Yugoslavia) Ja, Pustolov Pesma Majci (Diskos)
Mustafa Ozkent (Turkey) Burcak Tarlalari Genclik Ile Elele (2006 Finders Keepers)
El Dorado (Yugoslavia) Tuzna Reka Manjifiko, El Dorado, Tenori (Beograd)
Anica Zubovic (Yugoslavia) Sa Tobom Pocinje Sve Srecan Put (1967 Yugoton)
Kvartet Tenori (Yugoslavia) Tamo Gde se Sive Grane Kvartet Tenori (Diskos)
Trio Tenori (Yugoslavia) Moj Sesit single (1966 Beograd)
Slavko Perovic (Yugoslavia) Zbog Tebe Mo Nezenja (1966 Yugoton)
Manjifiko (Yugoslavia) Celija Sa Brojem Devet Manjifiko, El Dorado, Tenori (Beograd)
The Polar Five (China) Indescipherable Teen Dance Music From China and Malaysia (2002 Thrift Store)
Roza Eskenazi (Greece) Nea Meraklou Roza Eskenazi 1933-36 (1997 Interstate)
unknown performer from Niger (Niger) Pakapaka Musics of the Earth: Astonishing and Rare Instruments (1998 Unexco)
Miss Vong & Thao Som of the Village of Sikhay (Laos) Melody for Two Khenes Anthology of World Music-Laos (1999 Rounder)
Le Stelle di Mario Schifano (Italy) Intervallo Dedicato a... (2007 Akarma)
Oko (Yugoslavia) Vse Sem Dal Ti Oko (1976 Yugoton?)
Fanfare Savale (Romania) Iahabibi Speed Brass of the Gypsies (2004 Sub Rosa)
Sohail Rana (Pakistan) Saat Matray Khyber Mail (1970 EMI)
Tumvenva Dance Group (Cook Islands) Rhythms of the Cook Islands The Big Bang (1994 Ellipsis Arts...)
The Tahitian Choir (Tahiti) Te Tia Mamoe The Tahitian Choir (1994 Shanachie)
Mafia Berkane (Morocco) Mafia Berkane Rap Berkani
Clache/Berkane City Crew (Morocco) Rami Rap
unknown (Ghana) Akom Drums of Death: Field Recordings of Ghana (1998 Avant Japan)
Los Mirlos (Peru) Sonida Amazonica The Roots of Chicha (2007 Barbes)
Johnny's Guitar (Thailand) Kratae Thai Beat a Go-Go vol. 1 (Sublime Sounds)
Mieskuoro Huutajat (Finland) Gimn CCCP 10th Anniversary Concert (1998 Bad Vugum)
BBC Radiophonic Workshop (England) Blue Veils & Golden Sands Doctor Who vol. 2 (2005 BBC)



This color means that it's bed music (background)