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Thursday, January 11th 2007
pre-war European, progrock, and a Latin James Brown cover (at last)
Artist Musical Selection Album
Theme: Messer Chups  The World we Never Knew Bride of the Atom (Solzne)
Karjalan Sissit (Sweden) Tulipunaruust Karjalasta Kajahtaa (2006 Cyclic Law)
Leif Juster (Norway) Polsemaker, Polsemaker  
Karjalan Sissit (Sweden) Juokse Sina Humma Karjalasta Kajahtaa (2006 Cyclic Law)
Anna-Lisa Ingemansson (Finland) Daiga-Daiga-Duu  
Kurt Hohenberger (Germany) Warum, Wesalb Und Wieso Swing Tanzen Verboten (1977 Telefunken)
Manhatten Stars (South Africa) The Jumping Juice Jazz and Hot Dance in South Africa (1985 Harlequin)
The African Swingsters (South Africa) Swazi Stomp Jazz and Hot Dance in South Africa (1985 Harlequin)
Motion Trio (Poland) Cafe Paris Pictures from the Streets (2005 Asphalt Tango)
Wally Gonzalez (Philipines) Kailan Pa Kaya On The Road (1978/ 2005 Victor)
Modulo 1000 (Brazil) Olho por Olho, Dente por Dente Nao Fale Com Paredes (World in Sound)
Kimio Mizutani (Japan) Tell Me What You Saw A Path Through Haze (1971 Polydor Japan) (1998 P-Vine)
Mustafa Ozkent ve Orkestrasi (Turkey) Burcak Genclik Ile Elele (2006 Finders Keepers)
Harvester (Sweden) Kristallen Den Fina (Beautiful Crystal) Hemat (1970 Decibel) (2001 Silence)
La Tropa Colombiana (Colombia) Cumbia Del Monte La Original (1998 Fonovisa)
Los Silvertones (Panama) Old Buzzard (1972) Panama! Latin, Calyps & Funk on the Isthmus 1965-1975 (2006 SoundWay)
Lydia Mendoza (Mexico) Feliz Sin Ti (Bolero, 1950) Tejano Roots (1991 Arhoolie)
The Exciters (Panama) New Bag (James Brown cover) Panama! Latin, Calyps & Funk on the Isthmus 1965-1975 (2006 SoundWay)
Quinteto Borinquen (Puerto Rico) Ausencia (1916) Early Music of the North Caribbean 1916-1920 (1995 Interstate/Harlequin)
Omar Khorshid (Lebanon) Raqsed El Fada Rhythms of the Orient (1974 Voice of Lebanon) (2001 Umbrella)
Zalatnay Sarolta (Hungary) Egyszer Hadd Mondjam El (1973 Pepita)
Man Chao Po Orchestra (China) For a Few Dollars More Teen Dance Music from China and Malaysia (2002 Thrift Store Records)
Sbornik Lezginka (Dagestan/Russia) indescipherable indescipherable



This color means that it's bed music (background)