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Wednesday, January 2nd 2008
this is the "best of" show for 2007?
Artist Musical Selection Album
Theme: Messer Chups The World We Never Knew Bride of the Atom (Solzne)
Los Mirlos (Peru) Sonida Amazonico The Roots of Chicha (2007 Barbes)
Taraf de Haiduks (Romania) Ostanito & Romanian Dance (Bartok) Maskarada (2006 Crammed Discs)
The Devil's Anvil (U.S./"the Middle East") Miserlou Rajaz Meter (2007 Funk Weapons)
Tinariwen (Mail/Tuareg)/td> Toumast Aman Iman: Water Is Life (2007 World Village)
NAS (Dagestan/Russia) Dagestanskaya Tema Diskoteka 05 (
Motion Trio (Poland) Cafe Paris Pictures from the Streets (2005 Asphalt Tango)
Groupo Naidy (Colombia) El Botellon Arriba Suena Marimba (2005 Smithsonian Folkways)
unknown (Senegal) Asta Damba Le Chants des Enfants du Monde vol. 3 (2005 Arion)
Tego Calderon (Puerto Rico) Ni Fu Ni Fa El Abayarde Contra Ataca (2007 Warner International)
Los 4 Planetas (Argentina) Dos Guitaras Latinamericarpet vol. 1 (2007 Sublime Frequencies)
Mustafa Ozkent (Turkey) Burcak Tarlalari Genclik Ile Elele (2006 Finders Keepers)
Rene & The Alligators (Holland) Two Guitars The Complete Collection 1959-1970 (2005 Hunter)
Tale Ognenovski (Macedonia) Tale Ognenovski Jazz Composition No. 1 Tale Ognenovski - Musical Genius (Independant Records)
Calle 13 (Puerto Rico) Cumbia de los Aburridos Residente or Visitante (2007 Sony International)
Juaneco y su Combo (Peru) Me Robaron Mi Runa Mula The Roots of Chicha (2007 Barbes)
Paul Pendja Ensemble (Cameroun) Ngo Mebou Melane Black Mirror (2007 Dust-to-Digital)
The Polar Five (China) Indescipherable Teen Dance Music From China and Malaysia (2002 Thrift Store)
Hailie (ethiopia) Ye Ethiopia Amlak Anchin Yizo
5 Krung men playing gong, 1 flute player and 8 female virgins clapping (Cambodia) unknown Ethnic Minority Music of North East Cambodia (2006 Sublime Frequencies)
Bernard Szajner (France) Ibad Zed: Visions of Dune (1979 Spalax)
RD Burman/Asha Bosle (India) Aaj Ki Raat Koi Aane Ko Hai RD Burman - A Bollywood Legend, the best of the EMI Years (2007 Saregama)
Sohail Rana (Pakistan) Saat Matray Khyber Mail (1970 EMI)
Pipe Major Forsyth (Northumbria/England) Mallorca Black Mirror (2007 Dust-to-Digital)
Avarus (Finland) Filippiinen Henkikirugit Ruskea Timantti (2006 Tummult)
Mori Chieko (Japan) Red Balloons/td> Jumping Rabbit (2007 Tzadik)
Uton & Valerio Cosi (Finland) Hetken Aika (Kolmessa Maailmassa) Käämeenkääntopiiri (2007 Fire Museum)
The Confusions (India) Voice of the Inner Soul Love, Peace and Poetry: Asian Psychedelic Music (2000 Normal)
Oorjak Hunashtaar-ool (Tuva) Brat Moy, Spoyu Borban Melodii Tuvi (1969/2007 Dust-to-Digital)
Kim Jung Mi (Korea) unknown Now (1973) (2005 World Psychedelia)



This color means that it's bed music (background)